Diamond Education
the 4 C’s

When purchasing a diamond you will hear mentioned the 4 C’s. This method of evaluating diamond relies on 4 factors: Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat-weight.
The 4 C’s offer a good starting point but is not intended to be the sole method of evaluating diamonds on. Just because two diamonds look the same “on paper” does not mean that they actually do look similar. When purchasing a diamond from Aphrodite you will be led through much more than just a discussion on the 4 C’s. Here you have the opportunity to view different diamonds and learn the subtle differences between each. Diamonds are not manufactured on a factory assembly line, and cannot be boxed into definite categories. Diamonds are unique.
Diamond Anatomy

The clarity of a diamond is one of the most important factors in determining its value.
Virtually all natural diamonds contain identifying characteristics, many of them to small to be seen by the naked eye. These “inclusions” are nature’s birthmarks and when viewed under ten-times magnification (called a Loupe) they may display like tiny crystals, clouds or feathers. Generally the greater the number and size of inclusions the lower the clarity grade and the less rare the diamond. A diamond revealing no such inclusions is known as flawless and treasured for its rarity.

Cut refers to the shape of the finished diamond. While nature determines the colour, carat-weight and clarity of a diamond, only a skilled craftsman can determine the cut, displaying the fire, sparkle and beauty of the diamond. When a diamond is cut to perfect proportions – thus not too deep nor too shallow – light will reflect inside the stone and disperse through the top of the stone, making it seem to radiate from within. A badly proportioned or badly cut diamond will appear watery and dull. There are various different diamond cuts.

Colour is one of the most important aspects to consider when classifying a diamond. Diamonds are found in many different colours, graded on a scale of D through Z based on the degree to which the diamond approaches colourlessness. Diamonds graded D to F are considered colourless. They are most rare and therefore the most valuable.
Fancy colours are much sought after due to their extreme rarity, particularly yellows, pinks and blues. Their quality is graded by the intense of the hue, and other than with white diamonds, the more colour the rarer.

Carat (Size)
The weight of a diamond is measured in carat. One carat is equal to 0.2 gram, and there are 100 points in a carat. Thus a 0.75ct is the same as a 75 pointer or a ¾ carat stone. It is important to carefully select a diamond suitable to individual preferences, styles and the size of the chosen setting for the unique stone.
Diamonds of equal carat-weight may vary greatly in brilliance depending on their symmetry and cut, so carat-weight on its own is an unreliable guide for value.

Did you know?
Interesting Fact
Diamonds are considered to be one of hardest natural materials known to man; according to researchers a diamond is up to 58x harder than anything you will find in nature. Therefore, the only object or piece of equipment that would be able to cut through a diamond would be another diamond.